




个人简介:甘肃渭源人,2012 年毕业于浙江大学生物化学与分子生物学专业获博士学位。目前是南通大学医学院生物化学与分子生物学系副教授,硕导。2019 年至2020 年作为访问学者在美国普渡大学生物化学与分子生物学系陶维国教授课题组进行磷酸化蛋白质组学在疾病机理方面的应用研究。主持国家级、省级和市级课题各1项,以第一作者或通讯作者发表sci研究论文10篇。

专业研究领域:研究蛋白磷酸酶2a(protein phosphatase 2a, pp2a)调节亚基b的磷酸化水平对pp2a结构和生物学功能的影响,以及在以pp2a作为靶蛋白的外源物质诱导肝毒性和神经毒性中的作用。


1.yin h, fan x, zhang y, zhao n, zhao x, yin k, zhang y*. an integrated study on the differential expression of the fox gene family in cancer and their response to chemotherapy drugs. genes (basel). 2022, 13(10):1754.

2.wang x, xiao p, wang r, luo c, zhang z, yu s, wu q, li y, zhang y*, zhang h, zhao x. relationships between urinary metals concentrations and cognitive performance among u.s. older people in nhanes 2011-2014. front public health. 2022, 10:985127.

3. zhang y*, zhu p, wu x, yuan t, su z, chen s, zhou y, tao wa. microcystin-lr

induces nlrp3 inflammasome activation via foxo1 phosphorylation, resulting

in interleukin-1β secretion and pyroptosis in hepatocytes. toxicol sci. 2021 6;179(1):53-69.

4. zhang y*, fan x, su z, yuan t, yin h, gu h, zuo y, chen s, zhou h, su g. pretreatment with metformin prevents microcystin-lr-induced tau hyperphosphorylation via mtor-dependent pp2a and gsk-3β activation. environ toxicol. 2021 36(12):2414-2425.

5. zhang y*, yuan t, su z, wang x, wang y, ni y, zuo y, gu h. reduced methylation of pp2ac promotes ethanol-induced lipid accumulation through foxo1 phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. toxicol lett. 2020, 331:65-74.

6. zhang y*, zhang j, wang e, qian w, fan y, feng y, yin h, li y, wang y, yuan t. microcystin-leucine-arginine induces tau pathology through bα degradation via protein phosphatase 2a demethylation and associated glycogen synthase kinase-3β phosphorylation. toxicol sci. 2018,162(2):475-487.

8. zhang yl, sun ft, zhang z, chen xx, liu ax, pan jj, peng f, zhou s, sun lj. comprehensive expression analysis suggests functional overlapping of human fox transcription factors in cancer. asian pac j cancer prev. 2014;15(23):10475-81.

9. zhang y, guo z, xu l. tributyltin induces a g2/m cell cycle arrest in human amniotic cells via pp2a inhibition-mediated inactivation of the erk1/2 cascades. environ toxicol pharmacol. 2014 mar;37(2):812-8.

10. zhang y, liang j, sun l, guo z, xu l. inhibition of pp2a and the consequent activation of jnk/c-jun are involved in tributyltin-induced apoptosis in human amnionic cells. environ toxicol. 2013 jul;28(7):390-400. 







