姓 名 | 秦永伟 | 性别 | 男 | 专业技术职称 | 副教授 |
学科专业 | 病原生物学 | 单 位 | 南通大学 | ||
电子邮箱 | 86288402@qq.com | 联系电话(办公) | 0513-85051746 wechat:victory-qin | ||
个人简历 | 医学博士,副教授、硕士研究生导师,主要从事病原与宿主免疫研究。毕业于复旦大学医学院;新加坡国立大学生物科学系访学1年。近年来主持或完成国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、省、市级等多个科研项目,发表sci学术论文30余篇。 | ||||
研究领域 | 通过临床与基础相结合,找出疾病发生的关键表型,运用小鼠或斑马鱼模型及体外细胞模型探索发病机制,找到关键靶点。研究方向包括:结核杆菌免疫逃逸机制;t细胞、nk细胞免疫耗竭的发生机理;结核杆菌基因组学 | ||||
代表性成果(论文、专著、专利等) | 1 yongwei, qin; yujie, chen; jinliang, chen; kuang, xu; feifan, xu; jiahai, shi; the relationship between previous pulmonary tuberculosis and risk of lung cancer in the future, infectious agents and cancer, 2022, 17: 20 2 feifan xu; keyun bian; shouwei wang; fan yao; jinling chen; yali cao; yongwei qin; b and t lymphocyte attenuator as a c-reactive protein and iga associated auxiliary diagnostic marker for pulmonary tuberculosis: a case-control study, ann transl med, 2022, 10(24) 3 feifan, xu; shengyan, qu; lin, wang; yongwei, qin; mean platelet volume (mpv): new diagnostic indices for co-morbidity of tuberculosis and diabetes mellitus, bmc infectious diseases, 2021, 21: 461 4 feifan, xu; haiyun, zhang; xiaoyan, si; jinlin, chen; yuhao, chen; xiaopeng, cui; yongwei, qin; assessment of cd27 expression on t-cells as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool for patients with smear-negative pulmonary tuberculosis, bmc immunology, 2021, 22: 41 5 qin y, wang q, zhou y, duan y, gao q. inhibition of ifn-γ-induced nitric oxide dependent antimycobacterial activity by mir-155 and c/ebpβ. int j mol sci. 2016 apr 8;17(4)535. 6 qin y, sun x, shao x, cheng c, feng j, sun w, gu d, liu w, xu f, duan y. macrophage-microglia networks drive m1 microglia polarization after mycobacterium infection. inflammation. 2015, 38(4): 1609-1616 |