



个人简介:安徽安庆人,教授,博导,南通大学特聘教授,海军军医大学药学院药用植物学教研室主任;国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,青年长江学者、国家首届青年岐黄学者军队高层次科技创新人才学科拔尖人才、上海市优秀学术带头人浦江人才青年科技启明星巴渝学者讲座教授、享受国务院政府特殊津贴。中华中医药学会青委会副主委,世中联中药分析专委会常务理事,全军药学会中药与天然药物专委会常委,秘书;上海市植物生理与植物分子生物学学会副理事长,上海市上海市植物学会植物生物技术专委会主任委员,medicinal plant biology副主编,《药学学报》、《中草药》、apsbcjnm等期刊编委或青年编委。主要从事中药资源保障与质量提升研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金杰青、重点项目、面上项目、重点研发计划子课题等多项国家级项目。在 nat chem. biolnat communtrends plant scipnasmol plantsci bullnew phytolplant biotechnol japsbjipb等期刊发表sci论文160余篇。获9项专利授权。获教育部科技进步奖一等奖和明治乳业生命科学奖。


生药学,围绕中药资源保障与质量提升重大战略需求:以阐明中药有效成分形成机制为起点,构建多组学驱动的天然产物合成关键酶系发掘及机理解析技术体系,高通量挖掘药用植物基因资源,克隆鉴定未知功能基因,解析新颖代谢途径;以调控中药有效成分生物合成为重点,开展预见性代谢工程,为定向调控和定量合成目标产物提供成功范例;以优质药材可持续供应为落脚点,基于分子智能设计育种创制 “高产、高抗、高涵理想药用植物,加速优异种质创新进程;构建优化微生物细胞工厂,实现活性天然产物异源高效合成和中药资源强劲灵活供应。


1)       yun wang#, luyao yu#, jie shao#, zhanpin zhu#, lei zhang*. structure-driven protein engineering for production of valuable natural products. trends in plant science, 2023, 28: 460-470. (if=20.5, 中科院一区)

2)       zhiying guo#, kai hao#, zongyou lv#, luyao yu, qitao bu, junze ren, henan zhang*, ruibing chen*, lei zhang*. profiling of phytohormone-specific micrornas and characterization of the mir160-arf module involved in glandular trichome development and artemisinin biosynthesis in artemisia annua. plant biotechnology journal, 2023, 21: 591-605. (if=13.8, 中科院一区)

3)       ruibing chen, jiaoqi gao, wei yu, xianghui chen, xiaoxin zhai, yu chen, lei zhang*, yongjin j. zhou*. engineering cofactor supply and recycling to drive phenolic acid biosynthesis in yeast, nature chemical biology, 2022, 18: 520-529. (if=14.8, 中科院一区)

4)       ruibing chen#, yuejuan bu#, junze ren, kyle a. pelot, xiangyang hu, yong diao, wansheng chen, philipp zerbe, lei zhang*. discovery and modulation of diterpenoid metabolism improves glandular trichome formation, artemisinin production and stress resilience in artemisia annua, new phytologist, 2021, 230(6): 2387-2403. (if=9.4, 中科院一区)

5)       ying xiao#, kai shao#, jingwen zhou#, lian wang, xueqi ma, di wu, yingbo yang, junfeng chen, jingxian feng, shi qiu, zongyou lv, lei zhang*, peng zhang*, wansheng chen*. structure-based engineering of substrate specificity for pinoresinol-lariciresinol reductases. nature communications, 2021, 12(1): 2828-2838. (if=16.6, 中科院一区)

6)       zongyou lv#, jinxing li#, shi qiu, fei qi, hang su, qitao bu, rui jiang, kexuan tang*, lei zhang*, wansheng chen*. the transcription factors tlr1 and tlr2 negatively regulate trichome density and artemisinin levels in artemisia annua. journal of integrative plant biology, 2022, 64(6), 1212-1228. (if=11.4, 中科院一区)

7)       hexin tan#, ling xiao#, shouhong gao, qing li, junfeng chen, ying xiao, qian ji, ruibing chen, wansheng chen, lei zhang*. trichome and artemisinin regulator 1 is required for trichome development and artemisinin biosynthesis in artemisia annua. molecular plant, 2015, 8(9), 1396-1411. (if=27.5, 中科院一区)

8)       ying xiao#, jingxian feng#, qing li, yangyun zhou, qitao bu, junhui zhou, hexin tan, yingbo yang, lei zhang*, wansheng chen*. iiwrky34 positively regulates yield, lignan biosynthesis and stress tolerance in isatis indigotica. acta pharmaceutica sinica b, 2020, 10(12), 2417-2432. (if=14.5, 中科院一区)

9)       lei zhang#, junfeng chen#, xun zhou#, xiaofei chen, qing li, hexin tan, xin dong, ying xiao, langdong chen, wansheng chen*. dynamic metabolic and transcriptomic profiling of methyl jasmonate-treated hairy roots reveals synthetic characters and regulators of lignan biosynthesis in isatis indigotica fort. plant biotechnology journal, 2016, 14(12), 2217-2227. (if=13.8, 中科院一区)

10)    zongyou lv, zhiying guo, lida zhang, fangyuan zhang, weimin jiang, qian shen, xueqing fu, tingxiang yan, pu shi, xiaolong hao, yanan ma, minghui chen, ling li, lei zhang*, wansheng chen*, kexuan tang*. interaction of bzip transcription factor tga6 with salicylic acid signaling modulates artemisinin biosynthesis in artemisia annua. journal of experimental botany, 2019, 70(15), 3969-3979. (if=6.9, 中科院一区)

11)    hexin tan#*, xianghui chen#, nan liang#, ruibing chen#, junfeng chen, chaoyang hu, qi li, qing li, weizhong pei, wenhai xiao, yingjin yuan, wansheng chen, lei zhang*. transcriptome analysis reveals novel enzymes for apo-carotenoid biosynthesis in saffron and allows construction of a pathway for crocetin synthesis in yeast. journal of experimental botany, 2019, 70(18), 4819-4834. (if=6.9, 中科院一区)

12)    ying xiao, qian ji, shouhong gao, hexin tan, ruibing chen, qing li, junfeng chen, yingbo yang, lei zhang*, zhengtao wang*, wansheng chen*, zhibi hu. combined transcriptome and metabolite profiling reveals that iiplr1 plays an important role in lariciresinol accumulation in isatis indigotica. journal of experimental botany, 2015, 66(20), 6259-6271. (if=6.9, 中科院一区)


1)       张磊,刁勇,郭志英,谭何新,黄豆豆,陈越,一种马蓝bctsa基因及其编码的蛋白与应用,专利号:201910133567.9,授权日期:2022311

2)       卜其涛,张磊,陈万生,吕宗友,一种用rna干扰提高青蒿中青蒿素含量的方法,专利号:zl202011245060.1,授权日期:2022816

3)       陈万生,张磊,陈亮,李卿,冯婧娴,王芸,谭何新,陈昊轩,提高丹参毛状根中丹酚酸b含量的方法与漆酶基因,专利号:zl201710447660.8,授权日期:20201201

4)       马瑞芳,张磊,陈万生,肖莹,菘蓝iiap2/erf049基因在调控木脂素类化合物合成中的应用,专利号:zl201610502516.5,授权日期:20190806

5)       张磊,吴循循,陈啸飞,刁勇,全面筛选青黛中抗白血病活性成分及确定其靶标的方法,专利号:zl201511021978.7,授权日期:20181120

6)       季倩,张磊一种快速提高丹参中迷迭香酸含量的方法,专利号:zl201410606226.6,授权日期:20180605

7)       谭何新,张磊,肖玲,青蒿aagtd1基因及其编码的蛋白与应用,专利号:zl201510054313.x,授权日期:20180209


1)       国家杰出青年科学基金(2022

2)       国家中医药首届青年岐黄学者2021

3)       教育部青年长江学者2016

4)       军队高层次科技创新人才学科拔尖人才2022

5)       巴渝学者讲座教授(2022

6)       上海市优秀学术带头人2019

7)       上海市浦江人才2014

8)       上海市青年科技启明星2006


1)       教育部科技进步一等奖(2016,第二完成人)

2)       上海市优秀博士学位论文(2008

3)       第九届明治生命科学奖2006

4)       联合利华(unilever科研奖学金(2006

5)       全军优秀硕士学位论文(2004



