




中华护理学会循证护理专委会专家库成员;江苏省护理学会妇产科护理专委会委员;江苏省转化医学研究院专利转化与培训平台临床前景评估专家;南通市护理学会妇产科护理专委会副主委。南通市“226高层次人才培养工程第二层次培养对象;南通大学杏林学院护理学专业带头人。 sci期刊brn杂志编委、多家sci期刊审稿人。




1.     effects of pregnant fatigue on the development of offspring in ratsbiological research for nursing, 2022

2.     effects of newborn intraoral pressure on colostrum intakerevista de nutricao-brazilian journal of nutrition, 2021

3.     chorionicity and neurodevelopmental outcomes in twin pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysisjournal of perinatology,2022

4.     gestational hypertensive disease and small for gestational age infants in twin pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysisj. obstet. gynaecol. res. ,2022

5.     association between maternal lipid levels during pregnancy and delivery of small for gestational age: a systematic review and meta-analysis   front. pediatr ,2022

6.     construction and evaluation of a rat model of postpartum fatiguegynecol obstet invest, 2021

7.     association of maternal diabetes during pregnancy with visual acuity development in offspring: a prospective cohort study   acta diabetologica, 2022

8.     gestational hypertensive disease and birthweight discordance in twin pregnancies: a systematic review and meta-analysisthe journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine, 2022

9.     infant sleep patterns and maternal postpartum fatigue: a cross‐sectional study.      the journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research,2021

10.   postpartum fatigue and inhibited lactation.     biological research for nursing     ,2022

11.   early feeding behaviors and breastfeeding outcomes after cesarean section, breastfeeding medicine, 2019, 14(5): 325-333

12.   effect of pumping pressure on onset of lactation after caesarean section: a randomized controlled study, maternal & child nutrition, 2017, 14(1): e12486.

13.   intraoral vacuum of breast-feeding newborns within the first 24 hr: cesarean section versus vaginal delivery, biological research for nursing, 2016, 18(4):445~453.

14.   are prolactin levels linked to suction pressure?, breastfeeding medicine, 2016, 11(9): 461~468.

15.   relationship between the ph of enema solutions and intestinal damage in rabbits.biol res nurs2015,17(1):78~86.

16.   construction and evaluation of a rat model of postpartum fatigue[j]. gynecologic and obstetric investigation, 2021:1-9.

17.   effects of newborn intraoral pressure on colostrum intake. gynecol obstet invest202186 (4) 370-378

18.   postpartum fatigue and inhibited lactation. biological research for nursing, doi: 10.1177/10998004211050047

19.   产后疲乏对母鼠母性行为的影响及其机制.中华行为医学与脑科学杂志.2021

20.   孕期疲乏对胎儿体格发育的影响.中华护理杂志.2022

21.   外周静脉导管更换时间的证据总结,中华护理杂志,2015,50 (1):106-109.

22.   产妇产后疲乏程度对泌乳发动时间的影响, 中华护理杂志,2018, 53(4): 438-442.








