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2015~2016 academic year: the second term course schedule for foreign students (2013class two)-�~til� comprehensive chinese �1-18w) �s�t�t b107.o�t�[�� pharmacology practice�10-16ht ��uu pathophysiology�2-18ht � �ut pathology �2-18w �  2 �uu pathophysiology�1w 6-7 � o�t pharmacology�5-16w �    ,1 0 �uu�[�� pathophysiology practice(13-18w �b408-3-18 `s $. /%  �ut�[�� pathology practice �1-18w 7-9�� �  # f  10theorical lessons are held in classroom b408 of teaching building.c!l  20the place of praciscal lessons will be notified during theorical lessons.c^ 2015~2016 academic year: the second term course schedule for foreign students (2014class one)mq�uimmunology�1-12 �!mq�u�[�� immunology practice�13-14 w � ut�[�� physiology practice�2-12ht �  ut physiology�1-18ht �ut physiology�13-14ht � so���1-13ht �  �~til� comprehensive chinese �1-18w) h�tt  ( mq�u immunology�1-12 �  us biochemistry�2-18ht �f  10theorical lessons are held in classroom b409 of teaching building.b_ 2015~2016 academic year: the second term course schedule for foreign students (2014 class two) ut�[�� physiology practice�2-12ht �  1 �~til� comprehensive chinese �1-18w) �_�t a501  ) f  10theorical lessons are held in classroom b409 of teaching building. l  20the place of praciscal lessons will be notified during theorical lessons. _ 2015~2016 academic year: the second term course schedule for foreign students (2015 class one)za^h �s� oral chinese 1-18 weeks bu le b207z �n� anatomy 1-18 weeks (8:40a.m.--12:00a.m.) in lab 6ye�[��13�~(u sv xq �vr anatomy 1-18 weeks (8:40a.m.--12:00a.m.) in lab 6 ^chinese listening 1-18 weeks he jia a404 @�~til� comprehensive chinese 1-18 < weeks h��u)r b107mchinese culture 1-18 weeks zhang dan b107x �~til� comprehensive chinese 1-18 weeks b107 h��u)r ue sf[ chemistry 1-12 weeks (14:20p.m.--16:50p.m.) b107  f  10theorical lessons are held in classroom b107 of teaching building.l  20the place of praciscal lessons will be notified during theorical lessons._ 2015~2016 academic year: the second term course schedule for foreign students (2015 class two)[@^r �vr anatomy 1-18 weeks (8:40a.m.--12:00a.m.) in lab 7t �n� anatomy 1-18 weeks (8:40a.m.--12:00a.m.) in lab 7 ?�~til� comprehensive chinese 1-18 weeks b107 b�=nz@�~til� comprehensive chinese 1-18 weeks b�=nz b107f oral chinese 1-18 weeks r� b407 l nachinese listening 3-18 weeks deng jue b408 e sf[ chemistry 1-12 weeks (14:20p.m.--16:50p.m.) b107 f  10theorical lessons are held in classroom b107 of teaching building. l  20the place of praciscal lessons will be notified during theorical lessons. 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